
how to delete a pokemon save

How do I delete my Oras save data?

To delete a save file in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, press and then hold B + X and Up on the control pad while at the title screen. Keep in mind that once you delete a file it's gone.

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How do you soft reset Pokemon Sapphire?

Button combinations

GB/GBC/GBA games: Press and hold A, B, Start, and Select.XD: Gale of Darkness: Press and hold B, X, and Start.DS games: Press and hold L, R, Start, and Select.3DS games: Press and hold L, R and Start or Select.Switch games: N/A.

How do you delete Pokemon Emerald?

Go down. Click "delete game". It will ask you if you're sure you want to delete the game. Say "yes".

What's the best starter pokemon in emerald?

Originally Answered: What are the best starters in Pokemon Emerald? If you are looking for a challenge, go with treecko. If you want the Pokemon with the highest base stat, go with mudkip. Mudkip is also a great Pokemon with only one weakness and is also super effective against many gyms.

How do I fix the berry glitch in Pokemon Ruby?

The only way to fix this issue is to replace the battery. It is also possible for a game with a dead battery to be affected by the Berry glitch, however, meaning replacing the battery will not fix time-based events.

How do you duplicate items in Pokemon Ruby?

How Do You Clone Items in Pokemon Ruby?

Enter the tower and proceed to Lanette's PC on the far right.Choose the Pokemon desired to be cloned and have it hold the item wished to be duplicated. Place the Pokemon on an empty box, close the PC and save the game.Go to Lanette's PC again and withdraw the Pokemon. Instead of saving, restart the game.

Can you use cr2025 instead of CR1616?

If it fits yeah. All button batteries are 3 volt, any will work. The numbers just mean the size, 1616 means 1.6 mm thick, 16mm diameter.

How do I change my GBA battery?

Step 1 Opening the cartridge. Unscrew the screw on the back using a Tri-Point Y0 Screwdriver. Step 2 Desoldering the battery. It is now time to get your soldering iron out. Step 3 Soldering the new battery into place. To make things a bit easier you can tin the tabs of the battery.

How long do GBA save batteries last?

What is the average battery life? The average battery life is approximately 15 hours when playing Game Boy Advance games. This is somewhat less when playing Game Boy Color or Game Boy (original) games. Battery life can also vary depending on the Game Pak being used and the volume setting (louder=less play time).

What kind of batteries do GBA games use?

All Game Boy games that use battery back-ups use either CR2025 or CR1616 coin cell batteries. To determine which one your game uses open them up and measure the diameter of the battery. A CR2025 coin cell battery is 20mm wide while a CR1616 coin cell battery is 16mm wide.

How do you know if a Pokemon game is legit?

The label. The label is usually the best place to start because most fakes can be identified from that alone. The cartridge casing. The board.


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